Farm Books for FrieslandCampina
New, exclusive series of Daan & Charlie books by Katja Schuurman

‘How do you teach children about life on a farm in a fun and playful way?’ Blue in Green devised a growing series of picture books about two children, Daan & Charlie. Katja Schuurman and Mathilde Stein are writing the stories together, and the books are illustrated by Harmen van Straaten. In October 2018 the first two volumes were published; numbers 3 and 4 will be out in May 2019. The books are available free of charge from all Jumbo Supermarkets on the purchase of participating FrieslandCampina products. 175,000 copies of the first two volumes were distributed.
Learn more about the outdoors
TV presenter and actress Katja Schuurman is highly motivated for this special campaign from FrieslandCampina. She herself lives on a residential farm and says: ‘I think it is important that children learn more about the outdoors and what goes on on a farm. Many children do not know where, for example, the milk in the supermarket comes from. It is a challenge to bring important themes such as sustainability and biological diversity to the attention of children in an attractive way’.